With a title like that, what do you think I'm going to talk about? Recent news?
Snowden on the run, hiding in other countries while the US demands he be returned so they can silence him? I wouldn't be surprised if I heard he got shot down by a drone. I'd be keeping my location a secret too.
That Wendy person in Texas filibustering an anti-abortion bill? Oh yes, I'm so glad she's standing up for women everywhere by making sure they can kill their own babies. I read a Bible verse where Jesus was talking about the end times where it would be so horrific they would say, "Blessed are the wombs that have never born children and the breasts that have never nursed." It was supposed to mean something along the lines of "Good thing you didn't bring children into this cruel world." It was inconceivable to them that women would be saying things like that because they didn't want to spend the time, money, and stretch marks on their kids. To be barren in those days was a curse. Crazy stuff.
Or how about DOMA? I don't particularly care about that. I don't think the federal government should be regulating marriage anyway. I WILL have an issue if they ever ever force churches or states to marry anybody they don't believe should be married. I don't really know about states, but if your church doesn't approve of your marriage (gay or straight), either you are in the wrong church or you shouldn't be getting married. There are other options.
No, today I'm just going to rant about people. And not the type of people I'm talking about above. People who can't even fulfill your basic courtesy. People who don't feel like they can say no so they would rather leave you in an endless chain of uncertainty. People who like to yank your chain.
Renting houses... I have seriously been working on a duplex for a month. I've probably shown it once a week if not more. I have shown it to at least twenty people. I have a question I ask after showing, saying "Based on this, are you still interested?"
Oh, yes yes, we're still interested. We just need to...
talk with our boyfriend/girlfriend/roommate.
check our finances.
could you see if I could have part time dogs?
could you see if I could have a 70/90/120/huge dog?
view another place.
We'll get back to you. What a lie.
But what's worse than the people who just never contact me again are the ones who tell me they'll contact me again... and never contact me again. Either everyone I talk to is getting covertly kidnapped, or everybody is so dang scared of saying "no," they put more effort into avoiding my emails and phone calls than just talking to me.
What's worse, I had a showing one day. At least the guy called me and said he couldn't make it. Another person was scheduled for a slightly later time. Me and mom sat in her car for twenty minutes before I had to call them to find out they weren't coming.
I've had people who say they'll sign a lease, but then won't answer my phone calls or emails. Say they'll sign the lease and then back out mere hours before I was supposed to meet them. Say they'll sign the lease but never be available. And meanwhile, I'm left with a house that may or may not be off the market. So I have to keep working on it, showing people, trying to arrange things. I would honestly give it to the first person who passes Dad's financial test and hands me a check for the deposit.
I can kind of sort of understand not ever talking to me again. But why oh why would you say, "Yes, we want it," and THEN ignore me? Why email me back at all? How is it that someone can go from being on top of their email to not answering for days?
Seriously, what is wrong with people? I would have a lot more faith in humanity if they would just be able to say, "Oh, we found another place." "Oh, we aren't interested anymore. Thanks for going out of your way to show it to us." "Thanks for wasting your time."
That, and use proper spelling and punctuation in their emails. Hard to respect anyone who won't bother typing correctly.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Cons and Costumes
I don't have any money, which is really a shame, as everything takes money. If I won a lifetime supply of Wal-Mart, money wouldn't mean a whole lot to me anymore. Hey, I know Wal-Mart isn't the fanciest shopping place around, but I could definitely make do if the price were right.
So the nagging question of money keeps following me around, and unfortunately, one of the things I have been interested in recently is Steampunk and costumes.
I want a Steampunk costume. I'd probably be some sort of mechanic or something, because when it comes down to it, I for some reason mentally relate more with street urchins, low-level laborers, common sailors, and the rest of the lower class than lords, ladies, and tea. Maybe it's because I only just started drinking tea.
Why do I want a costume? Well, I still love dressing up. Don't hate. I see a lot of other people dress up. There's a guy on my Facebook feed calling himself "Steampunk Boba Fett" and sporting a Steampunk version of Star War's Boba Fett's armor. I think many adults still like dressing up, but just talk themselves out of it.
Well, if I'm grown up, that means I can do what I want!
Within budget...
Anyway, it would be awesome to find some excuse to dress up. I can probably find one in my steampunk group, especially if I dress up like my role-playing character. Need to find some good boots, first. Halloween would almost be an excuse, except I don't dress like adult girls dress on Halloween. And don't go to parties or bars. And don't celebrate Halloween. Bummer.
So "cons" aka conventions? Of the nerdy variety? I'd probably never go, unless it were Steampunk. And really close. But I am trying to keep track good costume ideas for when/if I ever might need to dress in costume.
So, in order of occurrence (in my head).
Quinlan Vos

Yes, I realize he is a he. You find me some other Jedi with dreadlocks! Ok ok, fine, Eldon Ax, a Sith Apprentice from one of the books also has dreads, I think. I can't find a picture of her, though.
Or, Sarah Kerrigan
She's kind of the leader of the Borg/bugs in a computer game. Also has dreadlocks. Sort of.
Welp. Send me any other costuming ideas for the day when I have money AND am invited to a nerdy-but-awesome costume party! Those exist, right?
So the nagging question of money keeps following me around, and unfortunately, one of the things I have been interested in recently is Steampunk and costumes.
I want a Steampunk costume. I'd probably be some sort of mechanic or something, because when it comes down to it, I for some reason mentally relate more with street urchins, low-level laborers, common sailors, and the rest of the lower class than lords, ladies, and tea. Maybe it's because I only just started drinking tea.
Why do I want a costume? Well, I still love dressing up. Don't hate. I see a lot of other people dress up. There's a guy on my Facebook feed calling himself "Steampunk Boba Fett" and sporting a Steampunk version of Star War's Boba Fett's armor. I think many adults still like dressing up, but just talk themselves out of it.
Well, if I'm grown up, that means I can do what I want!
Within budget...
Anyway, it would be awesome to find some excuse to dress up. I can probably find one in my steampunk group, especially if I dress up like my role-playing character. Need to find some good boots, first. Halloween would almost be an excuse, except I don't dress like adult girls dress on Halloween. And don't go to parties or bars. And don't celebrate Halloween. Bummer.
So "cons" aka conventions? Of the nerdy variety? I'd probably never go, unless it were Steampunk. And really close. But I am trying to keep track good costume ideas for when/if I ever might need to dress in costume.
So, in order of occurrence (in my head).
Quinlan Vos
Yes, I realize he is a he. You find me some other Jedi with dreadlocks! Ok ok, fine, Eldon Ax, a Sith Apprentice from one of the books also has dreads, I think. I can't find a picture of her, though.
Or, Sarah Kerrigan
She's kind of the leader of the Borg/bugs in a computer game. Also has dreadlocks. Sort of.
Welp. Send me any other costuming ideas for the day when I have money AND am invited to a nerdy-but-awesome costume party! Those exist, right?
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