Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bike Pathing

Recently, I have been noticing a large number of icons painted on the streets of West Des Moines. Not graffiti, but official designations of a sort. West Des Moines and the surrounding towns/suburbs/whatever they are have a large number of bike paths. You can get pretty much anywhere in West Des Moines by mostly bike path. Maybe not the most efficient way, but I prefer bike paths because most of them are paved and smooth like roads, but with no cars on them. Not that there is not traffic, I have to dodge many a jogger, walker, pet walker, and other bikers, but at least no cars running me over.

I know West Des Moines is working on increasing the number of bike trails available. They recently put up a bunch of sign posts point to different trails at various trailheads and intersections. But now, I think they are getting a little ahead of themselves in their biker enthusiasm. Here is the symbol I've seen painted on many a street.

And that shadow is me! Hi everyone!

Anyway, this is just your basic street. Two way, no cool enough for lines in the middle, basic street. And now it has bike path things painted on it and signs along the side designating it a bike path.

No. Just no. This is not a bike path. This is still a street. Painting a bike on it isn't going to keep the cars off our butts or keep us from interfering with traffic. I never bike on the street if I can avoid it, as I hate cars trailing and passing me. I think it is dangerous. And now they think they can just designate a bike path! Like that changes anything!

Unless, of course, when you bike over the arrows, you get a speed boost. Then it's all cool.

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