Saturday, February 2, 2013

By thy spelling I judge thee.

If you don't know, I am attempting to rehome the dog. Oh, she's fine for a puppy, but I think I have established that I am not a dog person... and do like the ability to leave for more than four hours at a time. I guess if I was ready to settle down and chain myself to the house, I'd have kids or something. And you can at least take them to restaurants and relatives. And I think they bite less.

No, Luna is a good puppy, or so I'm told. All puppies nibble and nip and chew on things. I don't own a whole lot, and most of the stuff I like can be placed in a chest or on a shelf or generally not accessible, with the exception of my Turkish rug. It's in hiding.

But yes, Luna is a good puppy and in a weird sort of way, I'm somewhat fond of her.

Regardless, we've made our choice. Which then leads us to wonder, how does one rehome a dog? Obviously there is word of mouth, although my mother tried giving my dog away to someone else who had owned a husky... and apparently that scarred them for life. I tried giving her to the relatives, as they are "dog people." Through a long and drama-filled process, I believe they would only take her if Sally, their ancient English Mastiff finally kicks the bucket that she's been hobbling around for four years or so, and then they aren't sure how that would relate to their other English Mastiff named Daisy, who seems to not like other females.

As I don't really feel like keeping a dog I don't plan on keeping for the next six months to two years, depending on Sally's life span, I am looking for other ways.

I know there are shelters. I care enough about this dog to not want to do that. And they cost money to use to boot. No, I'd rather Luna live happily here until we move her happily elsewhere. I may not want to keep this dog, but I do care. I feel bad boarding her for a few nights at the pet hospital because she always comes out of those with her ears back, whimpering.

So, you're thinking Craig's List? Oddly enough, for some reason, probably legal, they do not permit selling pets. You can have a "small" adoption fee, though, with small being undefined.

My ad was up for one day before it got removed. Of course they never actually tell you the reason they are removing them and I am rather miffed. You know what? I'm going to put it back up. I don't know what I'm doing wrong until they respond to my request for help anyway.

But in the space of that one day, I got nine responses, all asking about the price. Now, I care slightly more about finding her a good home (David is the one who wants the price), but in a similar way for adoption, it shows that whoever wants the dog is serious about wanting the dog. And we did pay $380 or so for her. And have spent much more than I am asking on her, even before all the shots and vet stuff.

But, saying I did find one or several people willing to pay the price. How will I choose? The emails I get I am automatically ranking in my head. One person said they were "asking about the husky" and I merely had to assume what exactly they were asking about, that being price. I put all sorts of information on her character and the like on the ad. A surprising amount of people cannot grasp the basics of using spelling, capitalization, and punctuation in emails. I can somewhat understand it in chat, as you are trying to be quick, but emails? I'm not handing the dog out the window to the first person who emails me, so you can take a few extra minutes to punctuate.

I don't know if it's proper to rank a dog's future family based on their capitalization, but I judge people for things like that. You seem far more respectable to me if you bother to pretty up your sentences.

Other than that, a few people actually added some more personal things, like "We are interested in adopting Luna" or "Your dog is beautiful" or "We have a fenced in back yard that would be perfect for her." I am also more inclined to listen to those people.

However, I have had very few responses to my responses... so we'll see. They might have all been scared away by David's price, even though I said it was negotiable. To be honest, we'll spend more money keeping her here for a long period of time than selling her for $200 soon to someone who wants her. I hope everyone emails me back, at least helping me understand what the heck a "small" adoption fee is.

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