Thursday, July 18, 2013

Emergency Library Run

So there I was, waiting for League of Legends to update and scrolling through Steampunk pictures in Google images while listening to Abney Park... hey, I was in a mood. When suddenly, I came across an image that was clearly the cover art to a Young Adult series called the Steampunk Chronicles, or what I call it in my head, "The Girl with the Steel Corset" series. Since that's a bit more specific. Anyway, I'd read the first one, Girl with the Steel Corset, about a year and a half ago. I eagerly awaited the second one on the hold list about a year ago. And the thing with this cover I just found is that though it is obviously part of the series, I had never heard of it.

Maybe I just don't keep up very well with books. So, I clicked over to the link for the picture, which was Goodreads, and discovered it was published May 28th. By this time I am in somewhat of a state of shock. "I have to get on the hold list," I'm thinking, so I go to the Ames Public Library page, paste the title, and discover...

"It's checked in!" I cry, clasping my hands to my head. "This is an emergency!" I declare to David. I run out of the room, shove my pants on, and book it to the library on my bike.

I had a moment of panic when I didn't find it under YA CRO (young adult, Kady Cross) and had to run over to the computer to look it up again. I generally find that's more efficient than talking to librarians because they have to do that anyway. Then I found it was under "new" young adult fiction... a few seconds of looking and I found that section and... there! My book. The picture on the front is obviously Emily, but I always thought she had dreads. Author kept calling it "ropey hair."

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