Friday, July 25, 2014

Zombies on a Plane

I wonder how far I could get off of making a blog devoted to current events, libertarian thought, zombies, and apocalypses.

What, you don't think those are connected?

Ok, fine, it's a tenuous connection at best. So I read Lew Rockwell Blog which has libertarians who comment on current events, some of whom are preppers who have an interest in preparing for disasters like apocalypses which may be zombie related.

But seriously, some of the stuff I could write about.

Ok, today's conspiracy theory is so out there that I don't think most conspiracy theorists would give it credence.

A little background. I'm reading a book called "Patient Zero" by Jonathan Maberry which is about the world post-9/11 and Islamic terrorists and big-pockets guys who fund them. They cook up a zombie plague and deliver it in the form of infected people to the US and then our hero must form a crack-team, blah blah, too bad it's not a season of 24. But anyway, I'm saying this to show where some of my thinking comes from.

An article from Lew Rockwell blog posted a chain of events and conjectures that are seriously far fetched, one of the claims being from something the Boston Globe reported, titled "Rebel leader suggests victims were dead before plane took off."

He basically said a lot of the bodies found in the wreckage of downed Malaysian Flight 17 weren't fresh, that they had been drained of blood, and reeked of decomposition. Also, blood serum and medications were found in the wreckage. I heard the plane was carrying AIDS researchers, maybe their luggage?

Anyway, the Lew Rockwell article suggested the former prime minister of Malaysia had been saying rude things about Israel, calling them murderers and accusing them of genocide. Malaysian Flight 370 disappears off the face off the map. Then Malaysian Flight 17 gets shot down and some reports say the bodies were... old.

A conspiracy theory site claims that the Malaysian Flight M17 is actually Flight 370, complete with passengers.

Another site indicates that the plane and bodies could have been a form of bioweapon, intended to spread contamination.

A plane full of zombies...? Patient Zero?

And even some of the websites themselves drew odd zombie connections. The Jimstonefreelance site wrote, "It is said that dead men can tell no tales, but when they are a planeload of rotting bodies that should have been perfectly fresh, THAT ALONE SAYS IT ALL, from THAT ALONE you can declare this plane to be flight 370, HOW ELSE COULD IT BE? Undead Zombies DID NOT board MH17." (Emphasis theirs)

The bioweapon-claim site writes, "In a worst-case scenario, and the facts thus far point to a hair’s breadth short of worst case, the MH17 crash on the Ukraine-Russian borderlands could have been the start of a real World War Z. Conversely the shoot-down could have been an act of twisted heroism in a desperate last-minute strike to prevent biological warfare on a global scale." (Emphasis mine)

I honestly can not make this stuff up.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. > I honestly can not make this stuff up.

    Haha, well someone did. Are you watching the strain these days? It's not good but I've been watching it, it has its own charms.
