Props to anyone who can tell me where the quote in my title came from. Largely because I can't remember it. Someone says it right before being squashed in an amusing way, so I'm guessing cartoon. Simpsons maybe?
Anyway, I was quoting it because I am feeling the guilt of having too many interests and then squandering my time on computer games.
Time Sink #1: Computer games. And when I get bored of computer games... different computer games.
Time Sink #2: Work. I'm listing this as a time sink because, while productive, I don't generally like it. Or more specifically, I like about two of my potential five jobs.
Interest #1: Working out. This is number #1 because I actually do it. Usually. I have a certain level of self-motivating guilt going on. I blame My Fitness Pal app. Which I highly recommend for the same reason. Nothing is as effective as noticing you are spending 700+ calories on that pizza tonight, so you should probably go run today. It's also what encouraged me to give up soda for the second time, largely by me realizing that it's 150 calories and like half my sugar allowance for the day. Did you know a tiny bag of Cheetos was 310 calories? And if that doesn't sound like a lot to you, try keeping track of calories with the goal of staying under 1200. Which meal are you giving up for those Cheetos?
Interest #2: Reading. I had a goal of 100 books this year. That's two a week. I've been playing computer games. I am 13 books behind schedule. Time to go read children's books...
Interest #3: Writing. I've been playing with a story in my head labeled "epic space odyssey," joining the collection of "chanters' fantasy," "steampunk gang," and "angsty-music-stagehand" and half a dozen other half-baked ideas. That don't get written. And I need to actually write things because if I leave them alone too long, I forget them, or at least major plot points.
Interest #4: Steampunk. I have a costume. There are tons of DIY ideas out there and I know people and I want to go to events. And I don't. Steampunk's problem is that even DIY stuff tends to cost money. Maybe I should get a sixth job just for Steampunk.
Interest #5: Playing a musical instrument. I have a recorder, penny whistle, guitar, and piano. I want to play fiddle. I don't play any. Usually I hit a wall pretty early in where it doesn't seem like I get any better and that demotivates me.
Interest #6: Learning another language. I have an app called Duolingo, set for Turkish. It's free. My goal was 20 minutes a day. Hah.
Interest #7: Misc self-improvement. Basically there are a lot of little things I want to learn, like bike maintenance, ham radio operation, Krav Maga, homebrewing, etc. And I don't.
And I should.
But I liiiiiiiike computer games.
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