However, I wish these relatives wouldn't get up so early.
David's father and sister both send out Bible verses via text. I'm not sure of the frequency because his phone buzzing doesn't always wake me up, but there have been times, one recently, where I was almost able to get back to sleep... and then another buzz.
From A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens:
[Scrooge] then made bold to inquire what business brought [the Spirit] there.
``Your welfare!'' said the Ghost.
Scrooge expressed himself much obliged, but could not help thinking that a night of unbroken rest would have been more conducive to that end. The Spirit must have heard him thinking, for it said immediately:
``Your reclamation, then. Take heed!''
That's how the argument goes in my head anyway. "But I want to sleep. But it's Bible verses. CAN I REALLY BE MAD AT BIBLE VERSES?" At five-something in the morning, apparently I can.
"Can't you put your phone on silent?" I ask. No, he needs to hear in case of emergency. "How about just your Dad and Emily?" I respond, grumpy. No, they're included in said emergency communication.
"Why on earth do they get up so EARLY?"
I think David usually stops listening to me by then.
Anyway, if there was an emergency and someone was calling him, there'd be a good chance he wouldn't hear it and I'd be the one kicking him so he'd make it stop.
LOVE the tie in to Dicken's! THAT is the purpose of instilling a love of good books in your they can draw inferences for all of life! Good job, Honey! I know you will heartily embrace and pass on the tradition of love of great literature!