I'm rather hoping this Frozen nonsense will be over before my daughter is old enough to have opinions. Yeah, the movie was amusing, but the resulting explosion of Frozen related stuff was way unexpected. By me anyway. We already have a full set of Disney Princesses, why is this one this popular? I like Mulan better. And the original story "The Snow Queen" that Frozen was, well, not based on. Maybe more like a mild nod in the general direction of the title of the story. It's a good story, though.
And I really don't want to reach the point where my husband is going to have to explain to our daughter why she can't watch Frozen, or dress up as Elsa, or whatever. Cause it's going to be David explaining that.
Why? I personally don't care what consenting adults do with each other, although if you wanted what I believe is moral or right, we'd have to look at the Bible, which seems pretty clear on the subject. Is it a sin? According to the Bible. Why is it a sin for two people to love each other? I'm sorry, culture, I didn't write the rules. Regardless of how you or I feel on the subject, the Bible is clear. We might think we've evolved beyond it, that the Bible is outdated, or unreasonable, or something, but the Bible is clear, our feelings notwithstanding. I don't understand everything God has told us, but it seems a bit pretentious to be like, "Oh, this doesn't make sense to me. God and His word must be wrong." Take it or leave it, but don't try and blur it or outreason it.
What starts to bother me is when it goes beyond consenting adults who "just want to love each other in peace" to what we currently have, which is a huge cultural push to have their actions validated by larger society. All of society. It is no longer, "just let us love in peace," it is, "If you don't approve of or validate our love, you are guilty of thoughtcrime and should be punished." And in this agenda push is a focus on messaging that admittedly seems created to cram the "approved" opinion down the rest of our throats. "It's ok for a girl to love a girl."
So Elsa didn't have a love interest in the first movie and it somewhat makes sense they'd give her one down the road. Whatever. I'm sorry, daughter mine.
Today I was on Twitter and I saw #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend. There was also #MakeMarioKissWario, so I'm like, is this a joke? I clicked on it. It was not a joke.
The argument is that Captain America and "Bucky" from the movies should be a thing. I haven't seen Civil War yet, so I don't know where that goes (and hopefully it ain't there), but I was rooting for Captain America because he represents the libertarian freedom ideal from the founding of America, not the American Government. I'm sorry, Iron Man. I guess you get to play the bad guy again.
Ok, look. I am against things that fundamentally change the nature of pre-established characters. I've mentioned this before. I am against Thor being a woman. I am against Captain America being black. I am against Superman being from Soviet Russia (although that was an entertaining read as an alternate reality). I wasn't even sure I was for recreating Catwoman to not fight in heels. It's part of her charm. If you want to create a new Norse god who is a woman, be my guest. If you want a new defender of libertarian limited government foundational American ideals to be black, be my guest. Don't go changing the ones that already exist because they are important and beloved by people for who they are and that includes how they look, their race, their gender, their personality, their sexual orientation. They are imaginary characters. Go imagine some new ones for your agenda.
"Anyone against this is a homophobe. It doesn't matter at all if Captain America is bi." If it doesn't matter, why are you trying to change him?
Because this movement is trying to force anyone who doesn't agree with them to be bullied until they all go and hide away from the PC crowd and let the PC crowd run the show. "Take our opinion and like it." And eventually, all the narratives will say the same thing, all opposition will be whitewashed away to hide in shame and the PC crowd will have the total victory they were asking for. How can you commit thoughtcrime when there are no words for it?
They can't have their own heroes because ours still stand on their own. So they have to change ours, taking away the things we care about, any difference in opinion, any last bastion of our values until they have infected everything.
I have heard it said by Al Mohler who either quoted it or wrote it:
ReplyDelete"What was once condemned must be celebrated;
What was once celebrated must be condemned;
Those who refuse to celebrate must be condemned."