I don't know what to do with my hair. Now that I am out of a job, paying thirty dollars to get the back stacked every two months or so. I had been going to cheaper places like Master Cuts but the last time we went there, David and I looked at each other and both decided we didn't like it. So to the more expensive place and resulting turquoise feather. I don't care what you say, the feather amused me. I was like some sort of suburban Indian. It was cool.
But basically, I no longer want to pay to keep the back short. Unfortunately it will be a while before it doesn't look weird because it is all different lengths. So currently, I can't do much with it. Right now, I could let it go wild and it will poof out the sides and I will probably wear a stocking cap that day. I can straighten it with my new-for-Christmas hair straightener and it will actually look decent. And the third option is to put in two absurd little pigtails.
Those are all my current options. Now I need a plan. If I'm not going to keep it short, what am I going to do? Being vastly influenced by media, I wanted to have my hair like the gypsy girl from the new Sherlock Holmes movie. Her hair was long and wavy and she had a strand of beads worked into one lock. That would be way cool I thought, before I remembered that my hair isn't wavy, it's wave. Singular. When my hair is long, it has one poof somewhere in the middle. When it is short, it just poofs out the sides. So I grow it long and hope gravity will somehow straighten it out. But my long hair doesn't look as good as I'd like, so I put it up or let it run wild and eventually get fed up and chop it off.
I want to do something different. I was thinking about dreadlocks. I found a website (dreadheadhq.com) that has products and instructions to put dreads into any kind of hair. Dreads, once mature, look good every day and take very little maintenance and are clean. However, dreads are making lots and lots of knots in my hair. That seems counter-intuative for someone who has been brushing her hair all her life. Another thing is that I would need help putting them in and it will take hours. They would take months to look good and around a year to mature.
And the final thing is that dreads are different. Dreads are a sign on your head that says you are different. The website warns that once you have dreads, everyone notices you and remembers you. A lot of people will judge you just for having them and others will judge all people with dreads by your actions. So you need to be a good example because people will watch and remember... kinda like being a Christian. Also, as you are judged, I don't think people will take you as seriously. Imagine a candidate for office having dreads. Yeah.
So all that against it. But I think it would be cool to get them and try and change people's perceptions of them. Why should dreadlocks bar you from public office or a position in a business firm? This world is so built on stereotypes and so many of them are stupid. We should judge people on their words and actions, not hair style, religion or race. Time to change the world.
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