Sunday, February 5, 2012


You know what? Steampunk. It is my new microfad. Thanks to my friend Thad, I picked up my first steampunk book. Before that, I read the comic Girl Genius and I knew that was steampunk and was able to identify the visual style... but I didn't know how that could be a book. So I read Leviathan and The Girl With the Steel Corset, and am now working on the Difference Engine. And I am now able to identify that stuff like Trigun, Fable III, and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen are all steampunk. And you know what? Steampunk is awesome.

Basically, steampunk is the rewriting of the turn of the century culture, so Victorian, cowboys, Europe. Take those and combine then with mad scientists, inventors, steam technology. It adding clockwork technology to this historical period. It could be a rewriting of our history, simply drawing things from our history, or a completely different world.

So what I want to do is write, or at least mess around with a steampunk reference western. Is that not a fun idea? Now I keep wracking my brain for what life was like at the turn of the century, with corsets, the Wright brothers, new automobiles, etc. Gotta know something to build on it.

1 comment:

  1. Don't get dreads! you are a pretty girl!

    Anyone with dreads looks more attractive without dreads! (ie: Nathan K., Holly J., Bob Marley...)

