Monday, December 17, 2012


As you know, if you are one of the five or so people who read this blog, I was freaking out. Majorly. I don't think I remember last time I freaked out so much. I was a total wreck. I still might be and just don't know it... no, it appears I can think about crying without crying. That's an improvement.

And to blame is the Siberian Husky puppy named Luna. I still get a quiver in my stomach sometimes thinking about her. But I've been over that. Although I am still trying to see the good in having a dog to take care of, I am at least now thinking that I might be able to do this. And what brought the change?

The Dog Whisperer.

Earlier today I stumbled over Cesar Millan's site while searching for something dog-related. That's how bad it is, every free moment I'm pouring over something that I hope will impart me with the magic ability to make this puppy do what I want. And after finding his site, I remember reading somewhere that someone said they had two submissive huskies and a happy family thanks to his show. So I started watching. And this guy is magic, serious magic. He seems to be able to walk into any situation of any sort of dog misbehavior and with some intuition and leader of the pack mojo and a "calm-assertive" energy projection, he seems to be able to have any dog sitting at his feet in under ten minutes.

And so apparently dog training is a lot about attitude. And I can muster attitude.

And also I've been informed that puppies do not always control your life forever. I'm really just waiting for the time she's housebroken and doesn't need to go like once every two hours or more.

And David appears to have no intentions of getting rid of her. Well, maybe we can be running companions or something.

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