Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Gravlin Offspring Report

Mom Grumpy In Morning!

05:40: Dad drops phone on hardwood floor. Apologizes.
06:20: Genevieve wakes up. Mom declares it "still dark." Returns to crib.
07:00: Genevieve wakes up. Mom declares it "buttcrack of dawn," and grudgingly allows it to be "morning."

Genevieve tests structural integrity of blueberries. Finds them squishy.

No public art grant forthcoming for blue masterpiece on high chair tray.

Reports of "Werechuck" Continue to Spread

Wood keeps showing up marked with teeth. What furniture will fall next to the fearsome specter of teething baby?

All Babies Polled Find Grammy's Face Smile-Worthy

Today's Report Brought to You by the Sound "Doi Doi Doi."

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya...

Don't get me wrong, I love name stickers. I'm horrible with names, which, yes, I recognize is my fault. I could have been born with a mind like a steel trap, but even though I wasn't, I know I could improve my memory, use memory tricks, write names down, or just pay more attention. So I love it when everyone is wearing a name tag and we don't have to try and impress each other with how much we can remember everyone else's name.

I knew a girl once who introduced herself to me every time we met. I knew she knew who I was, and finally, after like the third or fourth time, I'm like, "Yeah, I remember you." She was one of those striking people who stick in your mind, so I actually remembered her name most of the times. But I appreciated the courtesy of "I don't always expect you to remember my name I told you once, so just to remove any awkward pretending, here's my name again."

That said...

Why do these stickers say "Hello, my name is..."?

Having my name there is nice. Having my stickers introduce me is a little weird. Can I skip introducing myself then?

Maybe the stickers don't go far enough. Why don't I also have a sticker that says, "How are you?" and another with "I am well, thanks for asking," "It was nice meeting you." and finally, "Have a nice day." That way, I can put them all in a column on my shirt and point to them in succession, skipping conversation and small talk entirely. An introvert's dream.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

International Women's Day

On this, International Women's Day, I would like to shout out to a woman who modeled what it is to be a woman for me.

A woman who is strong and independent.

A woman who believe's in God's roles for women, not that they make us any weaker or less equal, but we have been given a different job here on Earth.

A woman who loves her husband and loves her children, all dearly, and is not afraid to open her heart.

A woman who is Proverbs 31, clothing herself in strength.

A woman who is fun to be around.

A woman who loves being a woman and all God's blessings for her.

A woman who always speaks truth to me and gives me advice in things intimate.

A woman who is my best friend.

I love you, Mom.

Friday, February 10, 2017

"Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things." - Isaiah 40:26

"Nature to a saint is sacramental. If we are children of God, we have tremendous treasure in Nature. In every wind that blows, in every night and day of the year, in every sign of the sky, in every blossoming and in every withering of the earth, there is a real coming of God to us if we will simply used our starved imagination to realize it."

- Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Babywearing and I

Having had a difficult time with starting babywearing and everyone seeming to have their own experience, I figured I'd relate mine. You know, for posterity.

Crap, I'm going to be a mommy blogger, aren't I?

*sigh* Think I could market a blog that partly talks about my baby and partly talks about my libertarian political opinions? No?

Anyway, I was planning on babywearing long before Genevieve was born. I have leanings toward being a "crunchy mama," that is very natural, organic, attachment parenting, etc. Not full on, just leanings. For example, I never wanted to co-sleep (although I was willing to recognize the extent I would go just to get some sleep) and Genevieve is not a cuddly baby, so all good. No co-sleeping here. But my mother had made a ring sling for her second child, my younger brother, and proceeded to wear all her subsequent babies and loved it. I'd heard a lot of good things about babywearing. My mother also made me a sling.

When Genevieve was first born, I was scared to do anything with that tiny little scrunchy baby. I had Mom wear her first, then show me. By the time Genevieve was four or five weeks, I thought that thing was magic. She didn't have colic, but she was a fussy newborn. She could be crying and I'd pop her in the sling and start walking and within minutes she'd pass out. I went on so many walks and my body wasn't healed yet... yeah.

Enter week six. It's like right after the first Wonder Week. Genevieve suddenly discovers there is a world outside of the sling. She would plant her hands on my chest and push her head all the way backward, looking at the world upside-down. Instead of sleeping, she'd start fussing within fifteen minutes. I went to a babywearing group. "No, you're doing it right. It's not you, it's her."

My babywearing dreams were shattered. I started using the stroller since she liked the movement and would eventually fall asleep in that. I would get mad at articles like "How Babywearing Literally Saved My Life." She could go hiking and eat at an oyster bar and have her life back and I would struggle to get the stroller up the step into the tea shop. Other moms going to some of the nursing support groups I went to would be babywearing and I would be taking up half the space with my giant stroller. I was reduced to dreaming, "maybe the next baby would let me wear him..."

I picked up a babywearing book through interlibrary loan. Aside from feeling bad since the first several chapters were on how awesome and natural babywearing was (her baby just snuggled down and went to sleep!), there was one helpful note: "Wear your baby in the position she likes to be carried."

Genevieve insisted on being carried facing out. She would fuss if she was turned in toward shoulder or chest or cradled. But the quickest way to calm her down was to face her out, and then apply bouncing, or bouncing to Irish music as needed. But babies don't have much head control and you weren't supposed to face them out until 3-4+ months. There's also some "controversy" where people argue that forward facing can cause hip dysplasia and overstimulation, although generally people now agree that it doesn't cause hip dysplasia (although might not be good if your baby already has it) and you can turn your baby toward you in the event of overstimulation.

So I waited until then and revisited my local babywearing group that had a lending library of many different types of carriers.

This time I walked out with an Infantino Wrap & Tie Mei Tai-style carrier that had a forward-facing option. It's discontinued, but you can still pick it up on Ebay. I loved this carrier so much that I went and purchased one before I had to return the lending library one at the end of a month. Genevieve would sit in it for long periods of time (usually until she got tired and needed a nap), happily looking around, kicking her legs, and smiling at people who would talk to her. She became my companion on trips to the library or grocery store and it seemed like the world opened up. When she would start to get fussy at the end of a wake period, I would strap her on and go on a walk and she would calm down and enjoy the scenery.

Through the lending library, I was able to try several different carriers and finally decided my favorite was the Beco Gemini. It was comfortable and easy. I put it on my Christmas list.

Meanwhile, Genevieve got older. She learned she could turn her head, she learned how to track moving objects, she learned that things existed beyond her range of vision and how to find them. Gradually, I was able to carry her on my hip. She still wasn't very elegant in front-face-in and would keep trying to look around, but she didn't cry. I could carry her how I wanted. I tend to fall prey to the idea that Genevieve won't change, she will always be fussy or needing constant entertainment or bad at napping or having to be worn face-forward. Babies aren't like that. Babies change.

I got the Beco Gemini for Christmas and broke it in trail-walking with Genevieve on my back. I wore her to the library facing out in a little warm bear suit. She got sick and I carried her around facing in since all she wanted was to be held.

She still has a hard time napping in it. Some babies just pass out or sit contentedly. Genevieve has to be able to see what's going on. She has to be really super tired to fall asleep, and then she doesn't sleep for long. But she's fallen asleep in the ring sling and once on David's back as he was moving his sister, which was pretty cute.

So, all in all, my baby who hated being in the ring sling became a babywearing baby after all. And I love wearing her around.